The knowledge and skills acquired in this course will promote self-awareness and increase physical power. It will also provide clear information about the actor’s physical presence, as performer, and as character.
This course includes the basic movement concepts necessary for creating/representing a character based on Movement Analysis of the character’s traits and Body Language techniques.
This course will also provide experiences in movement perception, creative expression/performance through movement, and critical evaluation of movement efficiency and efficacy.
It will prepare the students to be able to choose from a variety of styles if they so desire to further their knowledge and levels of proficiency.
The course provides the students with information about: anatomical principles of movement; safe and efficient patterns of motion; cultural and socio-economic implications related to the history and the geography of period movement; and the creation of character though body language techniques [informed by The Laban Movement Analysis].
All of Ms. Bravo’s lessons adhere to the Gardner theories of multiple intelligences and on the Laban method of movement analysis; her system uses imagery and analogy to relate movement to art and knowledge. Shapes, articulations, and dynamics in every exercise and game are fully structured and designed to integrate multiple types of information; involving several modalities of learning and thus enhancing the chances for permanent cognition.
The lessons have also been designed to teach future actors about strength, mobility and safety in movement, while they learn about the importance of movement as signifier.